Marketing Entrepreneurship Business Blog for SMB's

Marketing Entrepreneurship Business Blog for SMB's

Marketing Strategy Blog - Page 7

The COVID-19 pandemic has brought about a drastic shift in the way businesses operate, thrusting them into the realm of remote work. As this new paradigm becomes the norm, the world of marketing has not been spared from its effects. However, amidst the transition to remote work, companies are encountering a significant challenge when it comes to hiring marketers.


Scaling campaigns successfully is a paramount objective for businesses aiming to reach broader audiences and achieve substantial growth and something that all marketing consultants should be taking seriously. To embark on this ambitious journey, marketing consultants must navigate a complex landscape of strategies, tools and variables that can make or break their efforts.


PR has come a long way in the past decade and certain campaigns have managed to capture our attention, leaving a lasting impact on the collective consciousness due to their creativity and strategic PR campaign execution. As we reflect on the past decade, it becomes evident that there are exceptional PR campaigns that have stood out amidst the noise and captivated audiences around the globe. These campaigns by public relations consultants demonstrate the power of strategic communication, innovative thinking, and the ability to connect with the public on a profound level.


The competence of marketers plays a pivotal role in determining the success and return on investment (ROI) of marketing efforts. As the marketing landscape evolves and becomes increasingly complex, understanding the competency levels of marketers becomes crucial for businesses aiming to maximize their ROI.


Advertising campaigns have the power to captivate audiences, inspire emotions, and leave a lasting impact on society. From timeless classics to contemporary masterpieces, these campaigns have left an indelible mark on popular culture and transformed brands into household names. Through compelling storytelling, memorable slogans, and groundbreaking techniques, they have successfully connected with audiences on a deep level, transcending the realm of mere marketing to become cultural phenomena. This topic explores the top 10 most effective advertising campaigns of all time, showcasing the creativity, strategy, and resonance that set them apart.


Having worked with SAP, Mitel and Oracle companies globally, there have been significant differences between which companies grow and those that are stagnant. As companies strive to be competitive and meet the evolving needs of their clients, effective marketing strategies play a pivotal role in capturing attention, building trust and generating leads. Offshoring is now the norm so IT managed services companies that once focused on price are now finding the market very different.


In the realm of marketing, where innovation and adaptability are essential, effective leadership plays a pivotal role in driving success. However, even the most accomplished marketing leaders face personal challenges that can significantly impact their professional journeys. The importance of resilience in navigating these obstacles and fostering strong marketing leadership despite the trials one may encounter will be explored by this topic. It delves into the experiences of marketing leaders who have confronted personal challenges head-on, highlighting their stories of resilience and fortitude. It sheds light on the profound impact that personal struggles can have on professional growth, and how embracing resilience can fuel personal development, elevate leadership skills, and inspire teams.


In the dynamic world of contact centres, where operational efficiency and exceptional customer experience reign supreme, automation has emerged as a game-changing catalyst for transformation. By putting automation in the driver's seat, contact centres are experiencing an astonishing evolution that propels them to unparalleled levels of efficiency, reshaping the landscape of customer experience.


In the realm of contact centres, where delivering exceptional customer experiences while maximizing operational efficiency is paramount, the power of artificial intelligence (AI) has emerged as a game-changer. As contact centres strive to enhance their workforce management (WFM) strategies, AI has become the driving force behind transformative change. By harnessing AI-powered solutions, contact centres are transforming the way they operate, unlocking new levels of optimization and performance.


SMS marketing is a highly effective way to reach out to customers and promote your business. With its high open rates, quick delivery, and wide reach, SMS marketing can be a powerful tool to engage with customers, drive conversions, and build brand loyalty. However, to create an effective SMS marketing campaign, businesses must approach it strategically and thoughtfully. In Australia, SMS marketing is governed by the Spam Act 2003, which outlines the rules that businesses must follow when sending SMS messages.


Keyword mapping is assigning specific keywords to individual pages on a website to improve search engine rankings and increase visibility to potential customers. For e-commerce businesses, effective keyword mapping is crucial for attracting and converting visitors into customers.

Effective keyword mapping also helps e-commerce businesses better understand their target audience and what they are searching for. By identifying high-volume, low-competition keywords, businesses can create more targeted and relevant product pages that meet the needs of their potential customers.

The following sections will cover several strategies for effective keyword mapping for e-commerce businesses.


As a business student with a growing love for marketing, I knew that internships played a crucial role in developing practical skills and gaining industry experience. Being able to apply my knowledge in a real-life setting was also very important to me as it gave me insightful knowledge on what to potentially expect at future roles. Therefore, when I got the opportunity to become an intern at Marketing Eye, although I was quite nervous, I was also very excited to dive into the world of marketing.


Every marketing consultant knows that if you don't focus your marketing strategies and marketing campaigns on the customer, they will fail. Businesses must have a deep understanding of their customers' needs and preferences to stay ahead of the competition but also to be able to achieve ROI on marketing investment. With technology advancements, customers have more choices and power than ever before, making it essential for businesses to understand their customers' behaviour, opinions and preferences to create products and services that cater to their unique needs.


LinkedIn, with over 740 million members, has become the go-to social media platform for professionals across a variety of industries. While most individuals and businesses use LinkedIn to connect with potential employers, clients, or partners, there is an often-overlooked feature that can be a game-changer for brand building and audience engagement: LinkedIn Groups.