Marketing Entrepreneurship Business Blog for SMB's

Marketing Entrepreneurship Business Blog for SMB's

Marketing Strategy Blog - Culture - Page 4

It's easy to be jealous of your employer, particularly when they have attained a certain level of success and have all the fancy things that come along with that; flashy cars, mansions, holidays, friends, invitations and the like.

In particular, this is true if you are at a certain age similar to your employer, or you have an inflated sense of who you are and what your actually capable of. But the reality is if you are feeling jealous, then it's time to go. Take that jealousy and go out and start your own show. You will find it more fulfilling and without as much angst until of course, you experience the same situation yourself.
An intelligent person knows that they are never as good as they think. They listen, rather than just talk when engaging with others, and they often engage the philosophy that there is always more they can learn to be better at the things that they need to be good at. If it's sport, they know that practice is essential, not just turning up on the day. Not too dissimilar to the workforce, actually.

The question I pose to you is; "Are you as good as you think?"
When the clock strikes midnight on 31st December, we all take a moment to reflect, whether we like it or not. Many of us do so with a few too many champagnes under our belt.

Many of us make new year's resolutions - mostly ones that last a few days and are soon forgotten. 

But there is one that often creates change, and that is the desire to have a new job, change direction and do something that is more fulfilling.
When you have travelled the world as much as me, there is one thing that you know is always going to be a given – that hotels are a must.

Now, if you must stay in a hotel, then you usually either want your normal comforts or you look for something different to what you already have at home. Something better, sometimes something just different.

I had a bit of a sleepless night last night and I am not quite sure. I don't have any real worries and life is treating me very well of late. They say if you rid yourself of negativity or people that don't fit your core values whether they are someone you are in a relationship with, friends with, or associates - life becomes a lot more authentic and clean.
When your company is growing as fast as ours, you often find yourself short of staff. We feel as though we are constantly in catch up mode, yet somehow we deliver for our clients and continue to produce work of a high standard.

Behind the scenes it's a different matter. There is pressure and a constant reminder of the fact that there are so many things that still need to be done.

I am a strong believer in culture and finding the right fit. I handed over the reigns a long time ago to staff so that they can pick their own colleagues and it works mostly, but doesn't when they too find pressure in finding a person fast. They miss the small steps that always tend to be the most important out of the mix.
Positive psychology, like all good science, has evolved, becoming richer and more applicable as research uncovers what works to cultivate happiness. Our ancestors rubbed two sticks together to make fire, learning through experimentation, replication, and results how to reliably and consistently create warmth when needed. At first they guessed at how to make fire, just like today some of us guess how to make ourselves happy (which, ironically enough, sometimes makes us feel unhappy).  We have the science now to orient ourselves to happiness, and through the science of positive psychology we can use it to flourish, building a fire of positive emotions that support and nourish our wellbeing. 

The question, however that claws at most of us from time to time is how to maximise positive psychology?
They're young having the time of their lives while studying their arses off, and as part of their University Degree or off their own bat, they have decided to do an internship. Luckily for me, it's at Marketing Eye.

First of all, they send off their resumes to hundreds of different companies requesting an internship. In Australia, they are largely not paid, so interns are volunteering their own time in reward for hands on experience.

I once said to an intern that when they finished their University Degree that they would be more employable due to their internship and ability to attract 50,000 to a blog, than those of who may have received a better score. Experience particularly in marketing counts for something.

So, I asked some of our interns, what an internship is really like. Here's what they had to say:
"The greater danger for most of us is not that our aim is too high and we miss it, but that it is too low and we hit it." - Michaelangelo

Goals. Not the kind Lionel Messi or Lance Franklin kick. More the type set by entrepreneurs, businesses, dieters and anyone who wants to get the most from life. I’ve edited a lot of pieces about goal setting in the last two months. It’s that time of year. Of those, however, who are taking expert advice and setting their goals, many fail to make them stick.
I am not one to divulge too much personal information. The most that anyone outside of friends and family really know about me is that I studied film and wanted to be a film critic, or even direct a movie one day; I get lost in music (more than just both kinds); I am a St.Kilda supporter and worked for the club for approximately 12 years as a trainer; and I don’t drink coffee.  Some believe that non-coffee drinkers are untrustworthy, but I say that is a load of bitter tasting mud.

Not being much of a conversationalist that is the best I can give most people. But as someone who has just become a regular blogger, I feel I must dig deeper. And I have been told to do so anyway.

So, as my smiling face now accompanies these blog posts, here goes.