Marketing Entrepreneurship Business Blog for SMB's

Marketing Entrepreneurship Business Blog for SMB's

Tag: experience - Page 2

If you’re reading this right now, you need some help. Let me guess, you’ve heard the term ‘lead generation’ time and time again, but you’re still not exactly sure what it means? Well don’t worry – I’m here to help!

Published in Marketing
Before the days of Instagram, iPhones and the internet, marketing was a one-way interaction. Marketing campaigns and advertisements sold us a story that we bought into. It was simple. If we bought the new L’Oreal conditioner, our hair would be perfect. If we took our children to McDonald’s, we’d all be joyful.
Published in Marketing
Wednesday, 17 April 2019

Coachella is a brands Wonderland

More than 200,000 attendees, an incredible line up of phenomenal artists and the world’s biggest celebrities. Yes, you probably guessed this sounds an awful lot like Coachella. Whether you have attended a desert-inspired

Published in Marketing
Monday, 15 April 2019

Is brand loyalty dead?

For as long as there have been businesses, there have been loyal customers. Nowadays, with heightened competition and many more channels of connection, it has become increasingly harder for brands to maintain a strong relationship to a large proportion of their customers.

Published in Marketing

As the end of University begins to peek its head around the corner, we all know what that means. It's business time. Internships are one of the most nerve-racking, scary and exciting times of our lives, as they provide us all with the opportunity to dip our toes in the waters of various industries, departments, and businesses for a short period of time.

Published in Marketing
Wednesday, 10 January 2018

Coping with stress in the workplace

Stress: We’ve all been there, we’ve all experienced it, but what can we do to manage stressful situations within the workplace? The employees that tend to be more productive are happy, healthy and stress free.

While experiencing some stress in the workplace is completely normal, I mean we all have stressful situations whether it be tight deadlines, confusion with a task, dealing with a harsh client/customer, but it’s excessive stress which can interfere with your overall performance, lowering your productivity and negativity impacting on your mental health.
Published in Culture
Wednesday, 04 November 2015

What new retailers are doing differently

I've never thought much about getting married... until I met the owner of Elite Pour La Vie in Atlanta. She shared her vision with me on why she was building Atlanta's most exclusive wedding and evening gown dress boutique. 

I didn't quite understand what could be so exciting about a wedding dress shop, other than the fact that she is a person with exquisite taste and style, who simply knows what is "in" and what is not. 

But now I do. She is bringing to a city of more than 6 million people, designers that brides-to-be and women wanting to make a statement or just look elegant at an black tie event or prom. 

It's what you don't have or perhaps have not yet experienced that makes you want to form a bond with a retail brand that is out of your core brand associations. Most consumers are now looking for something new. Something exciting. Something that takes them to a place that reminds them that they are who they want to be - in that moment.

But that's not new.
Published in Marketing
There have been many lessons I have learned this year; some the easy way and some the hard way.

The past six months have been exhausting. It has tested me in ways that I never imagined possible and at the same time, made me realize a few things about myself that will help shape the person I am moving forward.

I have learned:

Published in Marketing
Everyone at some time in their lives has felt that their world has curved in. Things become heavy, dark and almost impossible to keep afloat - but there is light at the end of the tunnel, if only we all can see it.

It's how we handle these experiences of difficulties that show our real character and ability to be resilient in the face of adversity now and in the future.

Published in Marketing
Monday, 20 February 2012

What design is better?

As a marketer with 20 years experience, I am always trying to figure out the psychology behind why a client picks one logo over another, or one way of doing things over another.

Sometimes, they have insight that perhaps marketers do not. Mostly, they just like a particular colour, font style, identity mark or a way of doing things that may not quite be up with the times.
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