Marketing Entrepreneurship Business Blog for SMB's

Marketing Entrepreneurship Business Blog for SMB's

Tag: metaverse

A marketing strategy is a plan or action that is designed to promote a business’ product or service. Its objective is to keep the company or team members on the same page, to ensure measurability of business objectives. This is to better understand the target audience and capitalize on emerging trends. The following blog will explore what strategies or elements might be included in most 2023 marketing strategies.

Published in Marketing

Similarly, to how social media revolutionised the online marketing landscape, the metaverse is about to do the same. It is imperative that marketing and communications brands pay close attention to the metaverse as it is indeed the next frontier for online interaction. Think about it like this, if brands had not made the shift to online marketing when social media became apparent, they would have been left behind and disregarded. Consumers would have forgotten about them and focussed on the brands that were engaging with them on social media platforms that they use every day. Ultimately, the metaverse is about to do the same and restructure online marketing forever, therefore if brands do not adapt to this, they will become irrelevant.

Published in Marketing

The rapid change of technology is changing the way we think, operate and work. Therefore, as businesses apply and adapt to the rise of new technologies, maximizing profitability of your business can be within reach. The Metaverse is a newly developed technology that is expected to change how business work as it continues to be integrated. Are you ready to take advantage of it and see how the Metaverse can benefit your brand in 2022?

Published in Marketing

We are experiencing a paradigm shift in digital consumerism online due to the rise of NFTs. Traditional marketing is forever changed, as value and ownership are redefined by this new trend which ensures uniqueness and ownership of online assets. Marketing values are also changing due to NFT’s, as consumers are becoming more and more allured by the idea of virtual reality and experience. It is imperative for your brand's success that you are staying up to date with the popularity of NFTs and are thus integrating them into your marketing ideas. 

Published in Marketing

What’s the Meta-verse?

In-case you haven’t been paying attention to the latest upcoming changes of the internet – let me explain. Facebook is changing its company name to “Meta”. This rebranding aims to reflect the company’s new concept of a “metaverse” which Mark Zuckerberg promises will be a world as “detailed and convincing as this one [Earth]”. Whether Zuckerberg is successful in pulling off what might be the most ambitious and “next biggest chapter” of the internet is for another blog... but what this uprooting of the Facebook we all know and love - can mean for your marketing team needs to be foreseen and accounted for.

Published in Marketing