Marketing Entrepreneurship Business Blog for SMB's

Marketing Entrepreneurship Business Blog for SMB's

Tag: SEO - Page 8

Marketing is constantly changing, but it’s changed more in the last 10 years than ever before. As the number of online users steadily increases, our digital footprint needs to increase to meet the demand for an online presence. To keep up, we need to have an acute understanding of what digital marketing is, how it works, and what we need to implement to ahead of the curve. Below, we have compiled some of the bigger pieces of digital marketing that you should consider for your business.
Published in Marketing

Blogging is essential for each and every business, especially within this day and age. Most businesses underestimate the importance and added value blogging brings to the table for both your customers and your stakeholders.

Published in Marketing
The continuous fake job advertisements being placed on a scandalous platform such as Glassdoor, curated by scraping websites of companies that they have encouraged to hire their services, has hit a low point.
Published in Marketing

One of the first things we think we realise about successful entrepreneurs is their toys; the big house, the fast car and their luxurious holidays - that everyone else just dreams about.

But this isn't exactly the case. In fact, the most successful people I know are not in fact flashy or anything alike. They still live in the house they bought when they first started out, don't update their cars yearly, and often have a holiday house or choose experience holidays over the swanky likes of St Barts and St Tropez.

Published in Entrepreneurship
If Google is creating havoc with your inbound leads to your website, you are not alone. In the 30 years that search engines have existed, power plays by Google and Bing have been affecting the online searchability of keywords making SEO more chalenging than ever before.
Published in Website Development
It's that time of year again where marketing managers are frantically working out how to best spend their marketing budget for 2015/16. There is a lot of fine tuning to be done given the changes in marketing technologies, applications and an ever changing consumer behavioural pattern.

Just 2 years ago, who would have thought Instagram would take over the world of social media? That LinkedIn would become the most power recruitment platform taking significant marketshare from Seek, Monster and Indeed? 
Published in Marketing
Website design requires certain considerations. These include aesthetic, functionality, audience engagement, content interactivity and responsiveness. Then of course there must be a clear call to action.

With these factors in mind, Marketing Eye undertook the challenge to create three very unique website rebuilds.
Published in Marketing
The Australian Financial Review's front page headlines "$3b online advertising industry spooked" is in fact old news. Anyone in marketing knows that clients are paying for clicks that they shouldn't be, but for some absurd reason, everyone seems to be playing a blind eye to it.

On a regular basis, companies come to me and say that their website is getting thousands of unique visitors, but no sales inquiries. This could be for a number of reasons, or quite simply due to their SEO company manipulating Google Analytics to show results that don't exist.
Published in Marketing

Your bounce rate may come second in your book to other metrics such as number of visits or page views on your website, but it is something that many small businesses can leverage if they put it to the forefront.

After checking the Marketing Eye google analytics account yesterday, as I do every day, I paid special attention to how the website bounce rate was going. I had just been to a number of my client's google analytics accounts and noticed that theirs ranged from 35 percent to 80 percent - depending on whether they allow Marketing Eye to do their SEO and invest in creating content to drive connections.

For those who are uncertain what a bounce rate is, it simply is a record of the "bounce" that occurs when a visitor goes to your website, reads a page or looks at a page, then leaves your website. A "bounce rate" is the percentage of total visitors that come to your website that then bounce off of it.

Theoretically, the lower your website's bounce rate, the better your conversion rate, or at least the higher the potential conversions, because more of the people who visit your website like what they see, and click around on your content. 

According to Weidert Group, 'a good bounce rate would be anything under 50-60 percent. A large factor influencing bounce rate is what kind of page you're looking at and what the content is on that page. If a page links to other pages, say, products you make or services , then a bounce rate of above 60 percent wouldn't be out of the norm.'

Published in Marketing
There is not a small business on the planet that hasn't heard of Twitter, yet many are still failing to execute a social media strategy that cleverly integrates Twitter as a social media platform designed to connect and communicate key messages.

Co-founder Jack Dorsey, a 36 year old tech titan, and now CEO of small business payment technology, Square, has built his billions on knowing what small businesses want and need. Square is the fastest growing small business payments technology in the world today, and through his small business meetings in Town Halls throughout the US, Canada and Japan, #letstalk, he is educating small business owners to talk and support each other, rather than work alone.
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