Marketing Entrepreneurship Business Blog for SMB's

Marketing Entrepreneurship Business Blog for SMB's

Tag: advertising - Page 3

Monday, 06 January 2020

How marketing can truly help sales

The role of marketing is to provide the platform for sales to occur. That means generating leads, warming them up and then passing them on to our sales counterparts. When sales teams are cold calling and chasing leads, and you have a fully functional marketing department, there is something going wrong.
Published in Marketing
Friday, 22 November 2019

Why You Should Understand SEM

There are plenty of marketing acronyms that markers have to keep track of like SEO, SEM, SMO, CRO. It can be difficult to keep everything straight, especially the difference between SEO and SEM. So, what exactly does SEM mean? Search engine marketing (SEM) is a sort of umbrella term that covers search engine optimisation and paid advertisements. SEM is an effective way for businesses to reach new customers, increase revenues and trim acquisition costs.

Published in Marketing

If you don’t fully understand the difference between marketing and advertising, you are not alone! Marketing and advertising are certainly related and intertwined, but there is a distinguishable difference between the two platforms. Each platform has different processes and approaches to promote products and services, but they work towards the same goal. Knowing how they differentiate will put your business on the path to success.

Published in Marketing

Advertising in this era of cut-throat competition requires a good investment. So, when you invest a significant amount into an advertising campaign, you’d naturally expect great returns out of it. You need to make sure that you are investing in the right type of marketing plan. It will take a while for you to decide the best marketing strategy for your brand. The best way to figure out what will work for your brand is to know about the prevailing marketing tactics.

Published in Marketing
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